Top 5 Vitamins to Prevent Hair Loss!

Hair loss? These essential vitamins and minerals may be lacking in your diet.

Is your hairline suffering because of what you eat? A lack of essential vitamins and minerals may increase your chances of hair loss. Before taking a supplement, learn where you can acquire these essential nutrients from food and consult with a physician. Overdosing on vitamins might be harmful to one’s health.


A vitamin called biotin (Vitamin B7) is essential to the health of your cells. Hair loss, brittle nails, and rashes are all symptoms of low levels of this hormone. If you are one of the following:

  • Pregnant or lactating women
  • Certain antibiotics or anti-epilepsy medications

Biotin is found in almost everyone’s diet. Foods that contain it include:

  • yolks of eggs
  • Meat
  • Whole grains


Iron is required for oxygen transport by red blood cells. Low levels can cause iron-deficiency anemia. Hair loss, pale complexion, and exhaustion are among the side effects.

If you have any of the following conditions:

  • Heavy menstruation 
  • Long-term illness.
  • Either you are a vegan or vegetarian

Iron may be found in a variety of foods, including the following:

  • Grass-fed beef
  • Vegetables with a high concentration of chlorophyll
  • Legumes
  • a good source of vitamin c

Iron absorption is dependent on vitamin C. We can find them in these foods:

  • Bell peppers
  • Citrus fruits
  • Green leafy vegetables

4. Vitamin D

You may already be aware of the significance of vitamin D in bone health. Low amounts of it, however, have been associated with hair loss. Sunshine stimulates the production of vitamin D within your skin, but so many individuals cannot receive enough vitamin D from sunlight solely.

For example, fatty foods like salmon and milk that have been fortified might raise your levels. Alternatively, you might ask your doctor for a supplement recommendation. Magnesium and Vitamin D can be taken together to improve absorption.

5. Zinc

A significant function of zinc can be played in synthesizing proteins in hair and other tissues. As a result, you will need to obtain it outside of your body through diet or supplementation. The poor healing process and a reduced sense of taste or smell are among the symptoms of zinc deficiency.

If any of the following apply to you:

  • Are you currently pregnant or nursing?
  • Be sick with diarrhea or a gastrointestinal condition.
  • Have a disorder of the kidneys

According to Byrd, zinc may be found in a variety of whole, natural foods, including:

  • Shellfish
  • Beans
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Meat

Get the Help You Need Right Away!

Please do not put it off any longer. There is a better chance of reversing hair loss if you address it as soon as the signs appear. The first step to having more hair is to consult with a medical specialist.
